Travel (Bus, Flight, Hotel)

Flight Bookings

A convenient way of booking your travel over the internet. Book a flight and pay from your Global Pay India wallet for your travel. Request for a particular seat, special meal or service. GlobalPayIndia offers the lowest airfare for your flight booking.

  • First, and foremost, booking your flight online will provide you with a wide selection of flights which will vary depending on your destination, the airport, the airline and the departure time.
  • Simple to use, Time saving and cost effective platform
  • Lowest airfare for your flight booking
  • Competitive Rates and 24 x 7 Personalized Support Service
  • Your company logo and address on the E ticket. Book, Sell and print tickets 24 x 7

Bus Bookings

Book bus tickets with ease from the comfort with GlobalPayIndia & promotes hassle-free bus travel across India.

  • Check the availability of your bus tickets online
  • Wide choice of bus seats, bus types & operators.
  • Hassle-free bus booking from anywhere & anytime
  • Customer Care assistance
  • Attractive Commissions on Each Booking
  • Additional Insurance Service for each Bus Booking

Hotel Bookings

Book at Over 900,000 Hotels Worldwide now. Quick, Easy Booking. Great Rates. Choose From a Wide Range of Properties Which GlobalPayIndia Offers! Register Online. Sign Up For Deals. List Your Property. Become An Affiliate. Save Time. Manage Booking.

  • Hotel websites not only provide details concerning the hotel but also a summary of the information about the region and its attractions.
  • You will be able to explore pictures of the rooms, dining, swimming pool and other features of the hotel.
  • Online reservation offers a faster booking process.

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